Tuesday 6 December 2011

Vince Young Biography

Vincent Young Junior was born on May 18, 1983, in Houston, Texas. (Click here for today's sports birthdays.) His mother, Felicia, was a home health aide. His father, Vincent Sr., could not find steady employment and became a petty burglar. For most of Vince’s childhood, his father was in and out of jail and out of the picture. Felicia and her mother, Bonnie, raised Vince and his two older sisters, Lakesha and Vintrisa. They lived Houston’s Hiram Clarke neighborhood, which is part of the historically African-American Fourth Ward.

At the age of seven, Vince was struck by a car while riding his bicycle. The handlebar jammed into his abdomen, causing severe internal injuries that took a hospital stay and many months to heal. Looking back, Vince says this accident made him physically tougher.

Felicia was a young mother who worked hard, but she turned to alcohol and marijuana to forget her struggles. She liked to party and made no secret of this fact. With no father figure in Vince’s life, and a mom who didn’t set a particularly strong example, the line between right and wrong started to blur for him in early adolescence.
 Vince Young
 Vince Young
 Vince Young
 Vince Young
 Vince Young
Vince Young

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